Thursday, November 14, 2013

The U.S Government is Taking a Stand Against Illegal Animal Trade!

What's an awesome way to tell the World the U.S hates illegal trade of animal products? Publicly crushing 6 tons of the product seems like a pretty great way to do it. 

Today, the U.S government is doing exactly that. In Denver, Colorado, 6 tons of Elephant tusk ivory that has been seized over the past 25 years in the U.S is going to be crushed. The intention is to send a message out to the world saying that the U.S does not support this horrible trade.

Wildaid, posted photos of the set-up created for the ivory crushing
Some of the ivory confiscated had already been converted into product

The machine that is going to be used to crush the ivory 

Six Tons seems like a lot right? Just last year alone, 30,000 elephants were killed. This number is horrible considering Ivory trade was banned in 1989 after elephants were being killed in masses prior due to a boom in the demand for ivory. Taking the tusks from an elephant is a sickening process. Tusk can't be seized from such a formidable animal alive, resulting in lots of bloodshed and painful deaths. Ivory isn't the only problem facing elephants. Such a large animal needs a rather large habitat. As more human expansion invades elephant lands, they're stressed to find resources to survive. Also, this has caused an increase in human-elephant conflict resulting in more elephant deaths.
Elephants are very intelligent animals. An elephant calf will remain and bond with its mother while growing up, just like us humans! 
Although most of the killing occurs in Africa, America still plays a part in this trade making this government action so critical. America is the second largest market for ivory. Of course the entire elephant tusk isn't being sold, but is altered into trinkets and souvenirs. 

Elephant tusks are sculpted and sold as souvenirs in America, causing it to be the second largest market for Ivory. 
Not buying products made from ivory, before or after the ban was placed, is a very important and helpful step in conserving elephants. Supporting alternatives to elephant ivory is also a good idea, like the Tagua Nut. Tagua nuts are virtually identical to ivory when it comes to product and the use of tagua nuts doesn't endanger a species. The website and environmentally friendly brand One World Projects creates awesome products created from Tagua nuts.

Donating to groups that support elephants such as Wildaid, who focus on ending illegal wildlife trade, or World Wildlife Fund, who focuses on elephant conservation as whole, including many other species and causes around the world is another great way to help. Currently, The World Wildlife Fund is supporting a petition for the U.S government asking them to enact a moratorium, a waiting period set by authority, on the illegal ivory trade. This would close current loopholes and help give elephants a fighting chance. It only takes a few minutes to make a difference and you can sign here: Help Save Elephants. The U.S government has taken a step today in ending Ivory trade; however, it will take a global effort from people and government in order to save this magnificent species from extinction. 

For more information on what's going on with elephants and conservation efforts, check out these links 

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