Tuesday, December 10, 2013


The animal of the day today is the Hyena! Specifically, the Spotted Hyena, the largest of the three Hyena Species.
I honestly wasn't expecting them to be this adorable.
I know you're just dying to know some fun facts about the Spotted Hyena, so here you go!
  • Hyenas live in Africa. But I think everyone knew that from the Lion King. They also live through Arabia and India.
  • Hyenas are scavengers, but they can take down prey of their own as well. Their diet includes lizards, birds, antelope, snakes, wildebeest, and insects
  • Although Hyenas look pretty similar to dogs, they're actually more closely related to cats
  • Hyenas are skilled hunters. They have good hearing and can see well at night. They hunt in clans, that contain up to 80 members, that work together to take down their prey. 
  • Female Hyenas rule, literally. Female Hyenas run the clan. They're usually 3 times bigger than the males, they have more muscle, and have 3 Times as much testosterone as the Male.
    It's so cute I could cry

So you want a Pet Spotted Hyena...
Their dog like appearance may make them seem inviting, and come on, look at that hyena pup. However, that's not a good idea. Let's discuss why!
  • That laugh.  Hyenas are known for their laugh. They laugh when they're excited. Not only do they cackle, they have a wide variety of sounds they make. Check out the Laugh Below.

  • They seriously eat Bones.  Hyenas have extremely powerful jaws that are able to break up hooves, teeth and bones. Do you really want something that is capable of eating literally ALL of you just chilling in your house? 
  •  Hyenas eat people. Not only could they consume every last part of you, they may even hunt you out. In Kenya and Tanzania, the Maasai people leave their dead for the hyenas to eat. Also, Hyenas are aggressive animals who like to hunt at night. So if your pet Hyena doesn't like you, it'll eat you while you're sleeping. With ease. 
  • They will go anywhere for food. In the wild they raid food stores and crops. Imagine in your home. They'll be in the fridge all the time. You'll have to go to Kroger's every 2 days just to feed your Hyena's bottomless stomach. It's like having a teenager. Except this one may eat you if you don't feed it. 
  • It's Illegal. In Ohio, you can not legally own a Hyena. There are no permits or licenses you can get. You can not privately own a Hyena in any way, shape, or form here. 
Well I hoped you've learned some fun information about the amazing Spotted Hyena. Here's a video of a Lioness scaring a small clan of Hyenas for your viewing pleasure
 *This is the animal of the Day for December 9th, even though this was published on the 10th.

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