Sunday, December 15, 2013

Never Smile at a Crocodile, Except the Saltwater Crocodile Because They're so Cool

Today's animal of the day is the Saltwater Crocodile!
Those eyes....
I absolutely love the Saltwater Crocodile. It is such a unique predator, and honestly, no other predator sends chills down my spine quite like the Saltwater Crocodile. However, my love of the Saltwater Crocodile may result in some extra pictures of this bone-chilling monster. I know everyone's dying to know why I love this reptile so here you go!
  • Saltwater Crocodiles live from Eastern India to Southeast Asia to Northern Australia.
  • They obviously eat meat
  • These are the largest living reptiles. The average male grows to be 17ft and weighs 1,000lbs. But there are crocs out there at 23ft and 2,2000lbs. 
  • As the name suggests, these crocodiles do well in the saltwater. They are excellent swimmers and have been found far out in the open ocean. But they also can live in bodies of freshwater  like swamps.
  • Saltwater Crocodile hide is unfortunately very valuable, putting the species in danger. There's even farms where saltwater crocodiles are raised solely to be killed for their skin.
    Whatcha Doin'?
    Check out this Croc caught in a wave
    So you want a Pet Saltwater Crocodile...
    Ok, No one should actually want a Pet Saltwater Crocodile. If you've seen any of the pictures or really read any of the facts, wanting one pretty much signs your ticket to a mental institution. But just in case you do, I'm going to help save you some money on the mental hospital front and tell you why you shouldn't want a Saltwater Crocodile 

    • They will kill you. Whether you die from a predatory attack or from a territorial attack, this modern day dino will be the end of you. They're large and deemed the most aggressive of all the crocodiles and alligators. They are short-tempered and mean. You will not be cuddling or riding your crocodile, you will most likely end up pointlessly running for your life from it. 
    • They may eat you. Saltwater Crocodiles are opportunistic feeders, this means they'll eat anything they have the opportunity to eat. Based on their size, people are basically the perfect prey item for a saltwater croc. Just in case you think, "Pfft, why would a Saltwater Croc eat a Person, that's so weird and unlikely" Well, here's some pictures of a Saltwater Crocodile eating some weird and unusual things. 
    Here's a Saltwater Crocodile eating a goat or a deer, I can't really tell, but still seems like a weird choice for a crocodile

    Here's a Saltwater Crocodile eating a Bull Shark. Yes, the Bull shark, who hast the highest level of testosterone in the animal kingdom.
    Here's a Saltwater Crocodile eating a Chainsaw. I think this one speaks for itself. 

    • You'll need two People insane enough to want a Saltwater Crocodile.  On average, a Saltwater Crocodile reaches age 70, however there are some that have grown as old as 100. Your crocodile will outlive you. Either you'll have to find someone else stupid enough to want a saltwater crocodile, or yours will return to the wild to survive, terrorizing countless women, children, and neighborhoods along the way. 
    • It's illegal. The Ohio Exotic Animal ban prohibits all Crocodiles.

    So that's the Saltwater Crocodile for you! 

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