Saturday, December 14, 2013


Today's animal of the day is the Zebra!
  • They live in the Savannas and grasslands of Africa
  • Each Zebra's stripes are unique like a fingerprint. 
  •  Zebras are related to horses, but they do run slower then horses. They run up to 35mph and have a strong endurance, which helps them avoid predators. 
  • Zebras are social animals and live in herds that can have up to 1,000 members. They'll even mix herds with other animals like the antelope for better protection.  However, members of the same family will remain close. 
  • Scientists are uncertain why Zebras have those stripes, but one theory is that predators can't make out an individual zebra in a herd to kill when they all blend together with their stripe pattern.  

 So you want a Pet Zebra...
Although their color is quite intriguing and they look like a horse, a Zebra would not make a good pet so let's discuss why!
  • They're thirsty. Zebras in the wild base their movements on the location of water because they're so dependent on it. Typically, they drink from a watering hole. Do you really want to invest in a watering hole? Also, do you really want an animal that wants to be around water so much? If that's your goal, let me recommend the much cheaper option of a goldfish. 
  • They'll be lonely. Zebras are social animals among their herds. They form bonds with their families. If one Zebra is attacked by a predator, the zebra's family will form a circle around the injured zebra to protect it from further injury. Unless you want to accommodate an entire Zebra family, you will have a sad, resentful zebra on your hands.  
  • No one has a pet Zebra. Since they are so similar to horses, people have tried to domesticate zebras. However, there are hardly any successful attempts. Unlike horses, a zebra's tempermant is too unpredictable to tame. Successfully. 
  • It's questionably legal.  Zebras aren't technically illegal to own, but in Ohio exotic animals are a touchy subject so its best to just avoid the Zebra. 
So that's the Zebra for you! And for you entertainment here's a video of what it would be like if Zebras were really fat

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