Monday, December 16, 2013

It's Always Sunny for a Sun Bear.

Today's Animal of the Day is the Sun Bear!

Sun bears are probably the coolest kind of bear. Mostly because they don't submit to the main stream standard of regular bears. Here's some fun facts about these awesome bears! 

-Sun bears are named for the yellow patch on their chest that resembles a rising sun (not because their native homeland is the sun. I know, it's confusing). 

-At an average of only 4-5ft long and between 60-150lbs, the sun bear is the smallest of all bears

-Sun bears are omnivores and don't really consume much large prey items 

-Sun bears live in the southern parts of china through the northeastern part of India and reaching to the southern part of Indonesia. 

-Sun bears are arboreal meaning they mostly live in trees. They have even been observed using leaves and branches to create a surface to sleep on while in trees. 

Please observe the totes adorable baby sun bear. Note the yellow patch on his chest that earned the species its name. 
So you want a pet Sun bear....
Ok so I actually could see why you would want a pet Sun Bear; they're roughly the size of a large dog and hey, they don't really eat people. So that's a bonus. Unfortunately, you shouldn't actually get a sun bear as a pet. Here's why!

Their Walk.  Sun bears walk on their hind legs. Like you know, a person. This should be a red flag because they're a bear. Walking on hind legs is not a normal bear thing to do. Not only do they walk on their hind legs, mother bears will carry their young while walking on their hind legs. I'm sorry but if I woke up and saw a tiny bear carrying an even tinier bear towards me, I'd scream my brains out and cry. 
Don't mind me, just carrying a bear.

  • They're Shy. Sun bears are really timid. This means you won't be taking long disturbing bear-on-hind-legs strolls around the park, nor will you be chilling on your couch watching the latest Winnie the Pooh movie. No, your bear will most likely be watching you from dark mysterious places, lurking in the dusty corner seeking berries they will never find. Which should creep you out. 

  • Their Claws. Sun bears have long sharp 4 inch claws. They're used for ripping open trees. Although they probably wouldn't use this strength to rip you apart (but really, who knows). They'd most likely use them to rip apart your couch or rip through doors spewing wood chips everywhere. And you could get a splinter and those are really inconvenient. 

  • Their Tongues.  Perhaps the most imperative reason you should not own a Sun Bear is their specially designed insect honey sucking tongue. Its extremely creepy and disturbing. Just look. 

What if he tries to lick you? Theres not enough therapy to ever recover from that. 

  • You probably couldn't find one. Sadly, sun bears are very elusive, making it hard to determine the exact status of sun bears, but it is believed their numbers are not very high. Sun bears are victims of lost habitats and falling victims to the ignorance of humanity.The Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC) is an organization dedicated solely to helping sun bears. You can visit their website at to learn about the different ways you can aid in the conservation of the awesome Sun Bear. 

  • It's illegal. In Ohio it is illegal to own any type of bear. 

Now for your entertainment, here is a video of a baby sun bear trying to stay awake 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Never Smile at a Crocodile, Except the Saltwater Crocodile Because They're so Cool

Today's animal of the day is the Saltwater Crocodile!
Those eyes....
I absolutely love the Saltwater Crocodile. It is such a unique predator, and honestly, no other predator sends chills down my spine quite like the Saltwater Crocodile. However, my love of the Saltwater Crocodile may result in some extra pictures of this bone-chilling monster. I know everyone's dying to know why I love this reptile so here you go!
  • Saltwater Crocodiles live from Eastern India to Southeast Asia to Northern Australia.
  • They obviously eat meat
  • These are the largest living reptiles. The average male grows to be 17ft and weighs 1,000lbs. But there are crocs out there at 23ft and 2,2000lbs. 
  • As the name suggests, these crocodiles do well in the saltwater. They are excellent swimmers and have been found far out in the open ocean. But they also can live in bodies of freshwater  like swamps.
  • Saltwater Crocodile hide is unfortunately very valuable, putting the species in danger. There's even farms where saltwater crocodiles are raised solely to be killed for their skin.
    Whatcha Doin'?
    Check out this Croc caught in a wave
    So you want a Pet Saltwater Crocodile...
    Ok, No one should actually want a Pet Saltwater Crocodile. If you've seen any of the pictures or really read any of the facts, wanting one pretty much signs your ticket to a mental institution. But just in case you do, I'm going to help save you some money on the mental hospital front and tell you why you shouldn't want a Saltwater Crocodile 

    • They will kill you. Whether you die from a predatory attack or from a territorial attack, this modern day dino will be the end of you. They're large and deemed the most aggressive of all the crocodiles and alligators. They are short-tempered and mean. You will not be cuddling or riding your crocodile, you will most likely end up pointlessly running for your life from it. 
    • They may eat you. Saltwater Crocodiles are opportunistic feeders, this means they'll eat anything they have the opportunity to eat. Based on their size, people are basically the perfect prey item for a saltwater croc. Just in case you think, "Pfft, why would a Saltwater Croc eat a Person, that's so weird and unlikely" Well, here's some pictures of a Saltwater Crocodile eating some weird and unusual things. 
    Here's a Saltwater Crocodile eating a goat or a deer, I can't really tell, but still seems like a weird choice for a crocodile

    Here's a Saltwater Crocodile eating a Bull Shark. Yes, the Bull shark, who hast the highest level of testosterone in the animal kingdom.
    Here's a Saltwater Crocodile eating a Chainsaw. I think this one speaks for itself. 

    • You'll need two People insane enough to want a Saltwater Crocodile.  On average, a Saltwater Crocodile reaches age 70, however there are some that have grown as old as 100. Your crocodile will outlive you. Either you'll have to find someone else stupid enough to want a saltwater crocodile, or yours will return to the wild to survive, terrorizing countless women, children, and neighborhoods along the way. 
    • It's illegal. The Ohio Exotic Animal ban prohibits all Crocodiles.

    So that's the Saltwater Crocodile for you! 

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Today's animal of the day is the Zebra!
  • They live in the Savannas and grasslands of Africa
  • Each Zebra's stripes are unique like a fingerprint. 
  •  Zebras are related to horses, but they do run slower then horses. They run up to 35mph and have a strong endurance, which helps them avoid predators. 
  • Zebras are social animals and live in herds that can have up to 1,000 members. They'll even mix herds with other animals like the antelope for better protection.  However, members of the same family will remain close. 
  • Scientists are uncertain why Zebras have those stripes, but one theory is that predators can't make out an individual zebra in a herd to kill when they all blend together with their stripe pattern.  

 So you want a Pet Zebra...
Although their color is quite intriguing and they look like a horse, a Zebra would not make a good pet so let's discuss why!
  • They're thirsty. Zebras in the wild base their movements on the location of water because they're so dependent on it. Typically, they drink from a watering hole. Do you really want to invest in a watering hole? Also, do you really want an animal that wants to be around water so much? If that's your goal, let me recommend the much cheaper option of a goldfish. 
  • They'll be lonely. Zebras are social animals among their herds. They form bonds with their families. If one Zebra is attacked by a predator, the zebra's family will form a circle around the injured zebra to protect it from further injury. Unless you want to accommodate an entire Zebra family, you will have a sad, resentful zebra on your hands.  
  • No one has a pet Zebra. Since they are so similar to horses, people have tried to domesticate zebras. However, there are hardly any successful attempts. Unlike horses, a zebra's tempermant is too unpredictable to tame. Successfully. 
  • It's questionably legal.  Zebras aren't technically illegal to own, but in Ohio exotic animals are a touchy subject so its best to just avoid the Zebra. 
So that's the Zebra for you! And for you entertainment here's a video of what it would be like if Zebras were really fat

Friday, December 13, 2013

Burmese Pythons are Pretty Cool.

Today's animal of the Day is the Burmese Python!
Sssso I bet you're Sssuper Ssstoked to Ssstart learning about this Burmese Python Ssso here you go!

  • The Burmese Python lives in Southeast Asia in the jungles and marshes. 
  • They're awesome swimmers and can hold their breath for 30 minutes
  • They eat birds and small carnivores. They can swallow their prey whole due to the stretchy ligaments in their jaw.
  • Instead of killing their prey with venom, they bite their prey and wrap their body around it until the prey suffocates to death. 
  • They have poor eye sight, but they have heat sensors
What a frightening double threat

 So you want a pet Burmese Python...
Well actually, that's not an uncommon thing, to have a pet Burmese Python. They're not a bad pet to have if they are cared for properly by someone who knows what they're doing. However, for the majority of the population, it's not a good idea, and let's discuss why!
  • They're HUGE. They are one of the largest snakes in the world. They can grow up to 23ft long, weight up to 200lbs, and they can be as wide as a telephone pole. So let's list what problems come with that, they'll need a big cage with a lot of room, the bigger they are the more food they need, also, the bigger they are, the larger the prey they can consume. 
  • Where's the love? Although Burmese pythons are considered quite docile for a snake, you can't just handle it whenever you want to. Its recommended that you have an extra person (or persons depending on size) when handling the python, and when feeding the python. Also, you can't handle them for awhile after they've fed (possibly a day or more) so they don't throw up their food. This means that when you're home alone crying about your solitude, even your giant pet snake can't cuddle with you until the brutal sting of solitude simmers away.
  • You'll get hooked. If you slip up while handling a tempered snake, you'll most likely get bit. But with the Burmese Python's bite you're in for a treat! Their fangs are hook shaped which is designed to hold their prey in place while they slowly strangle it to death. Imagine that painful struggle freeing your hand, or any other part it has managed to grab, from the angry grasp of your python. 
  • They have eyes bigger than their stomach. Pythons have literally exploded after eating a meal too big for them. Although they usually focus on a diet adequate for their size like rodents, the bigger ones have eaten goats and deers. The Burmese Python, as well as other constricting snakes, have killed small children and even teenagers. 
  • It's Illegal. In the state of Ohio, you can not own a snake that is over 12 feet long without a tedious permit that is hard to obtain. Even then, the rules and regulations for owning the snake are pretty strict, it'd be hard to maintain unless you are a snake professional.
*Special Note: Although I joke around about owning a Burmese Python, it's a serious issue. In Florida, owners of Burmese Pythons thought they could handle the responsibility but later realized they couldn't. Their solution? Releasing the snake into the wild. With the unique swampy and everglade habitats of Florida, these pythons are able to survive and reproduce well. This is called an invasive species. Introducing a new species to an already established and effective ecosystem poses several serious issues. For starters, a species like the Burmese Python challenges the other Apex predators, like the American Crocodile, creating unbalance in the ecosystem (A video of this can be seen below). Second, the people of the area are not adapted to these foreign species causing innocent animals to die. All in all, it's best to not attempt to handle animals that belong in their natural habitats for the wild. It can not only keep people safe, it also can keep the animal safe.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Giant Panda-demic!

Today's animal of the Day is the Giant Panda!

So here's some fun facts about this awesome bear.
  • Giant Pandas live only in remote mountainous regions in central China, since there's high bamboo forests, which the pandas like since they're cold and wet.
  • They eat mostly bamboo, however, they have been known to eat insects and small rodents on occasion. 
  • They are awesome climbers, they'll even climb 13,000 feet in order to eat during the summer time. 
  • Giants Pandas have 5-month long pregnancies. They give birth to 1-2 completely white babies, who will develop its black spots later in life. They cubs are also blind. 
  • In the wild, Giant Pandas are elusive animals and there's only about 1,000 left
When eating Bamboo, the Giant Panda sits upright like a person. How adorable is that?

 So you want a pet Giant Panda...
Although they look so cute and resemble an over-sized teddy bear, having a captive Giant Panda is a bad idea, let's talk about why!
  • They eat A LOT of Bamboo. Giant Panda's diets consist basically solely of Bamboo. Considering they are a Giant Panda, they have a huge appetite. They consume about 28lbs of bamboo a day. I'm not entirely sure of any local markets that sell bamboo, nevertheless 28lbs of bamboo.
  • They'd make a terrible friend.  Giant Pandas spend 12 of the 24 hours of the day eating bamboo. Pretty much the only time they won't be eating bamboo is when you're sleeping, and they are too. What about your needs? What about what you want? They won't care. You're not bamboo. 
  • They like to Ride Solo. Giant Pandas are solitary animals and like to be that way. They even have special smelling abilities that allow them to smell out other pandas in order to avoid them. They'll probably avoid you too. Do you really want to go through that heartbreak? 
  • It's illegal. There are only 1,000 Giant Pandas left in the wild. They're an endangered species so you can't own them. It's best to leave the remaining wild pandas where they belong so conservation efforts can be made to safely save them. If you would like to symbolically adopt a Giant Panda, and help with conservation efforts you can do it here on the World Wildlife Fund website. 
Well that's the Giant Panda for you! and for your viewing pleasure, here's a video of baby pandas playing on a slide

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Today's animal of the day is the Vampire Bat!

I know you want to know about this awesome animal as much as a vampire wants to suck your blood so here ya go!
  • The vampire bat is found in Central America, Mexico, and South America
  • There body is 3.5 inches with a 7 inch wing span. They weigh 2oz, but after they feed their weight can double.
  • As the name suggests, vampire bats drink blood. They get the blood usually from horses or cows. They usually drink for 30mins and they don't take enough blood to harm the animal. They have a heat sensor on their nose that directs them to where warm blood is flowing. In one year, a 100-bat colony can drink the blood of 25 cows.
  • Vampire bats, as well as all other bats, are the only flying mammal
  • Since they drink blood, the vampire bat doesn't have very many teeth. But the teeth they have are very sharp.
Check out those chompers!

 So you want a Pet Vampire Bat...
Actually, I really don't know why you would want a vampire bat, but just in case you're weird and do, Let's examine why that is a poor life choice!
  • They drink blood. THEY DRINK BLOOD. You have a lot of blood. Although they primarily feed off of cattle, they have been known to drink the blood of people before. Even if you're not feeding them your own blood (we'll examine why that is also a poor choice) you're going to have to find other blood to feed them.
  • They're sick. Even though they can't drink enough blood to harm their host, their bites can cause infection. So no, you can't really save money on food for your bat. 
  • They're creatures of the night. Bats are nocturnal. They hunt and are active during the night when you're trying to sleep. They can also attack you while you're asleep. They're also really good at feeding, you won't even know they're there. 
  • They're creepy. Bat's fly and hang upside down, everyone knows that. But, when they're hunting they crawl on all fours on the ground. It's extremely disturbing. That is how they will approach your bed while you're asleep.  Check out the video below of their weird creeper crawl

  • It's basically illegal. If you were to own a bat, you have to have several permits. You also can't take it from the wild, and even if you locate one, there's pretty strict laws about transportation so it's highly likely that you couldn't even get the bat to you. This is an animal that best remain in the wild.
So there weren't any funny Vampire bat videos out there that I could locate, so here's a video of a human pretending to be a bat and scaring people in public places!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Oh Deer!

Today's Animal of the day is the White-tailed Deer!
Check out those antlers!
So you may be wondering what's so cool about a deer? Well I'll tell you!
  • White-Tailed Deer live from Southern Canada to South America, usually in meadows and fields with nearby forests. 
  • White tail deers are herbivores, and have a stomach specially adapted to digest plants including twigs and fungus. 
  • Their fur changes color with the season. In the summer they have reddish brown coats and in the winter they have greyish-brown fur. This only occurs in the adults, the fawns have a reddish-brown coat with white dots
  • The bucks (males) have antlers which annually fall off in the winter. They use the antlers to fight over mates and territory. 
  • Female deer have 1-3 fawns. The fawns stay with their mother for a year until she chases them off before she has her new litter.
  •  This adorable fawn has white spots to help it camouflage
So you want a Pet Whitetail Deer....
We all saw Bambi, and I'm pretty sure there is not a person on this Earth who would not have adopted him after his mother was shot. However that would not have been a good idea, Let's talk about why!
  • They're Nocturnal. Deer like to look for food during the night time. That means they'll be up and active while you're trying to sleep. With those hooves and antlers clanging around, that can't be quiet. 
  • They'll bug you. A bug called the deer tick lives on deer. This tick can infect humans with Lyme disease. That's not really pleasant.
  • Deers like to run. If you've ever noticed, when a human gets close to a deer, the deer will run. Deer can run 30 mph. So being in a closed place with a creature that it likes to run from may not be a good idea. 
  • It's Complicated. In Ohio, it's not illegal to own a deer, however there are a lot of rules. You have to have a license and you can't take the deer from the wild. If you manage to get the deer, there's a lot of regulations on its enclosure and strict policies for what happens if it escapes. It seems like a lot of effort. 
So that's the White-Tailed deer for you! And for some comic relief here's a video of a Beagle meeting an unusually friendly deer:  
Also, I had to post this too, although it's not directly a deer video, here's a HILARIOUS video of a Woman who seems really confused about the Deer crossing sign.